It was a little over four months ago when I had the feeling of anxiety yet a wonderful peace over me. It's hard to explain, but even though I knew nothing could prepare me to raise and love two boys, I still knew I could. I had my friends and family all along throughout the pregnancy, and I knew with them, I would be able to handle it. I had a most loving wife and strong woman carrying my boys, that I knew I would be able to handle it. Most importantly, I had Jesus in my corner all along, so I knew I could handle it.
And here we are 4 months later. Despite the difficulties in the hospital, Declan and Ethan have been the perfect children. People keep saying, "I don't know how you do it." Well, in addition to all I've already mentioned, my boys are perfect angels. The funny thing is, the Lord knew how much we could handle, and to be honest, it almost feels like raising ONE child. They both do everything simultaneously anyway. They sleep together, wake up together, cry together, eat together. They are in unison, so the only difficulty for us has been the fact that there is just two of them which makes it hard when one of us needs to watch them. Strength in numbers, right? :)
The boys are strong and healthy. They are growing up too fast. They have learned to roll over, and my new favorite thing is that they have learned to play with and hold toys. They have finally figured out what their hands are for...although sometimes they think their hands are for eating. Orrpsh. Too cute.
And the best moment so far is that we got to stand in front of the church with our boys and have them dedicated to the Lord, vowing to our Savior that we will do whatever we can to raise the boys under the banner of Christ, growing them to be men of God. I can't wait for the day they make the decision for themselves to accept, obey, trust, love, and follow Jesus.

I would also like to take the time to thank everyone for their love and support regarding my last post. You all have helped me overcome a battle in a significant way. The breakthrough has been amazing. And the Lord has blessed me with a new and exciting opportunity. Some of you may know it already, but please don't say anything about it yet until I have full confirmation. Blessings!