
Welcome to my blog page: Vita--the life we lead. This is nothing too fancy, just a log of what is occurring in the life of Joseph. Sometimes there will be fun, interactive posts, and other times it will be a boring post about what I'm thinking about. In either case, enjoy. Laugh with me, write me comments, and have a blasty blast. (Also, view my "About Me" at the bottom of the page.)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Comfort and Trust

The Lord has recently challenged me with something. As I was praying and meditating on something that has just occurred in my life, the Lord kept bringing me to the words "comfort" and "trust." At first I thought the word "comfort" simply meant that the Lord will comfort me. Don't get me wrong, He will definitely do that for me. However, the word the Lord was really getting to me was a form of the word "comfort." The actual word was "comfortable."

The Lord showed me that I am way too comfortable in my life. Lately I've wondered where my passion to serve Him has gone. And I realized something; I had the greatest passion to serve Him when I was least comfortable--when I was making difficult decisions, not on my own accord, but in the trusting in Jesus Christ. And that's where the word "trust" falls into all this. I'm too comfortable right now, and therefore I don't really need to trust the Lord as much as I would if I were uncomfortable.

Reading through some stuff online, I came upon two great quotes:

1. But God does not call us to be comfortable. He calls me to trust, and if I don't take any risks, then I'm not really growing in trust. That is, I don't get the chance to see how really trustworthy God is. If I listen carefully, God will call me to do things that I could never do on my own. He's calling me to take risks, to face challenges that, when I tackle them with his help, will help me grow.

2. God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.

Somewhere in my walk with Christ, I've forgotten how to trust Him full-heartedly. I truly believe God wants me out of my comfort zone, especially in this new season He is presenting before my wife and me. I am so thankful for the house I have, for the Lord's provisioning in my life, for my family who has worked so hard to get me to where I am today. But I'm afraid that I have grown too accustomed to the pleasures and the normalcy and the redundancy, that I have not needed to trust the Lord as much, and therefore my relationship with Him has taken a backseat. I need to get Him back in front of this life I'm leading, and make Him lead my life.

Therefore I'm going to trust Him. I'm going to let Him take control of my life once again. I'm going to live for His glory. I could seriously use everyone's prayers right now and join Katie and me. Pray for God to continue showing His love, grace, mercy, power & glory, and sovereignty over us. Pray that we would never get to this point of comfortableness again. Pray that we will always trust Him with all whole hearts and lean not to our own understandings.


  1. Praying for you guys, Joey. Thanks for humbly sharing your heart.

  2. Joey... I feel the same way at times. I just try to remember to thank Jesus everyday for the awesome blessings He gives which I don't feel I deserve or can't believe I have! This is also a great place to be... just grateful :D Love you Joey!!
